
You can access Planning Poker mode via top navigation:

Sequence of steps:

  1. Create a game
    1. Enter needed data
    2. Import issues from JIRA
    3. Start game
    4. Ask participants to join
  2. Play game
    1. Pick an issue to estimate from the backlog
    2. Start a round by clicking on the "Estimate"
    3. Let everyone cast a vote by playing a card
    4. Analyse results
    5. Finish round, start another by picking the next issue
    6. Export results to JIRA when everything is estimated



Three roles are available for Planning Poker mode:


Once you are satisfied with the estimation backlog, click "Start".

Joining a Game

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To join a game click "Play" button.

You will join a game as Administrator in case you are the owner, otherwise—as Participant.

If you wish to join a game as a Watcher—click "Watch".

Playing a Game


Once the game is started, you'll see the estimation backlog:

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Other participants (thecatontheflat on the screenshot) will see the same list but without "Estimate" button.

You have to pick the next ticket for estimation. If you decided—click "Estimate".

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