
If you wish to join a game as a Watcher—click "Watch".

Playing a Game


Picking an Issue to Estimate

Once the game is started, you'll see the estimation backlog:


You have to pick the next ticket for estimation. If you decided which one—click "Estimate".

Active Round

Once a story is picked, you'll see the screen below (normal Participants see less buttons, current screen is for Administrator role). See the explanation chapter for more details.


During this phase every participant has to play a card.

Finished Round

Once all participants played casted their votes, the cards will be opened automatically.

The Administrator can now set the estimation for this issue.

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Exporting Results

Once all issues are estimated (or if the game was forced to end by the Administrator), the Administrator can export results to JIRA.

It is possible to choose a JIRA field to which an estimate should be exported (it is added as comment by default).

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