Search Examples

Search Examples

Here you can find some most popular search examples. Just copy and paste with some modifications into the textarea: 

Find by Comment Author

This query will find all issues where a user with some@email.com email has left a comment

Find by Linked Issues

This query will find all issues which have incoming or outgoing link "Block"

The query below finds all issues that are linked as "Blocks", are neither "Closed" nor "Resolved" and which are being linked by issues from the "MORPH" project

Find not Finished Subtasks in a Sprint

All open subtasks within a sprint can be found using the following query:

where fields.customfield_10007 is the Sprint Name Custom Field, and "Sample Sprint 2" is the actual Sprint name

Find Tasks that has not Finished Subtasks in a Sprint

 Similar to the query above, but slightly reversed:

Reusing Results from Previous Search Query

It is also possible to use array of search queries, passing the "__RESULT__" keyword (which contains issues keys from the previous query) into the second query.

[{...}, {...}]

For example, the query below would read like this (from second to first):

Find Tasks with link type "Blocks" and which are not blocking Stories where some@gmail.com has left a comment

All keys from the first query will be passed instead of the __RESULT__ into the second query.